Monday, July 19, 2010

Moving! UGH!

So we have been home from vacation just a few days and dove head first into packing up our house to move into a rental.  The boys and Gene are not at all thrilled about it but I can see it as just "temporary" and I am willing to do that to have time to find the right house.  And it just so happens that tonight we did put in a bid on a new home.  We found one we both like alot.  Of course there is a lot that needs to be done such as landscaping and some window coverings but all in all it is very nice AND brand new.  Gotta love a house no one has lived in before.  So we will see.  Truly I am not getting nervous or anxious about finding a house.  I believe the right house for us is out there and God will bring us to the right one.  So I just relax and let it go and focus on what I can focus on.

Speaking of that I am heading back to cycle class tomorrow.  This should be interesting.  I must get myself back on a regimen which shows that anyone can get throw off track and then you simple redefine your goals and get right back to it.  I am on the fence if I will compete again this year.  Perhaps in November however I am not pushing that as well.  My body and mind have been through a lot this last year and it was just a year ago I was in the final stretch for the first of 3 competitions.  I must admit the thing drawing me back is the great women I had the pleasure to meet.  It is such a wonderful atmosphere of strong and happy women. I encourage anyone remotely interested to try it.

Today was a good day for I was at Cox communications shooting an infomercial with my friend Bob Rue and Dr. Sam Walters.  We had a great time together and of course any time in front of the camera is a good day.  My goals are to be able to support myself just acting some way whether it is as a voice or on air talent.  I would really love to lend my voice to an animated movie or video.  That is my focus for my career right now.  I want to be a fish or dog or bear or something, maybe a leopard.  The other focus is to be in an action movie.  Doing physical stuff is the best!

Well it is time to hit the pillows so I can get up for cycle class.  Remember get your 8 hours of sleep to keep the weight off!

In health,

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